Sunday, October 17, 2021

Way Out There #4: I made my own Joys of Jell-O-alike Recipe!

 Howdy, Jigglers! After having made a couple of other different Jell-O recipes lately, I had some leftover ingredients left lying around, so I decided to combine them to come up with my very own JOJ-style gelatin dish! To really understand the General Foods Jell-O scientists, you have to get into their heads and start to think like them, to wit: "How do I throw these random cheap foods together with Jell-O to make something that will pass as an innovative fruit salad to show off to the bridge club?"

Specifically, I had some grape juice, some pineapple tidbits, and some mini marshmallows. None of that makes any sense together, but that's never stopped General Foods, now has it?


So I proceeded to let some unflavored gelatin bloom over the grape juice, then heat it until the gelatin was dissolved. Thereupon I allowed it to cool until very thick, mixed in the pineapple and marshmallows, and scooped it all into a mold to set.

Regarding the appearance of this salad, I was thankful I put in so many marshmallows because otherwise it would have looked quite dark, especially since the pineapple tidbits are not quite recognizeable with a purplish tint to them. I do like the look it has of the particles trying but unable to escape the gelatin matrix; I can't escape Jell-O either.



As for the taste, it was pleasant but fairly generic. It was sweet and fruity. The marshmallows were the best part by far with their squishy fluffiness. To make it a home run I would have liked to add some quartered pecans for even more textural variation, or perhaps some mandarin orange slices to solidify the tropical theme. However, I was trying to make this exclusively with ingredients I already had on hand, which in this case would have entailed adding vegetables or meats, so given that limitation I am satisfied with the result.

Now I would be remiss if I didn't, in true Joys of Jell-O fashion, write up an entry for the book describing this umpteenth fruit-and-gelatin salad, which of course I would put in the Two-Way Salads chapter because half the fruit salads live there for some reason despite clearly being desserts:

Pineapple-Marshmallow Sorbet

This molded delight will simultaneously 

transport your guests to Tahiti and Provence

with its unique flavor combinations. We added

marshmallows for just a hint of decadence.

Garnish with whipped cream for a dessert salad

or mayonnaise for a side salad.


Doesn't that description just excite the palate?

Well, unfortunately this time I cannot spurn or congratulate General Foods for the outcome of this recipe. I have to take a good, long look in the mirror and say, "Self, this recipe was decent, I guess." Now I know how General Foods must feel.