Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Joys of Jell-O Recipe #96: Fruit Cocktail Salad

Howdy, Jigglers! Much like the last recipe I made, my choice of the Fruit Cocktail Salad was largely based on a can of fruit in my cupboard and a gifted banana. Together with some apple juice to flavor the gelatin, I had a perfectly coherent mix of ingredients for this dessert, only needing to purchase some pecans and a lemon to round it out.

As with most of these recipes, the method of preparing this was bog standard. The amount of liquid in the dish is a little less than normal, so I didn't want to mold the salad because it wouldn't have filled any mold very well. Instead I chose to put it in a nice china serving dish to make it pretty. And pretty it was!

I love the rich, warm colors of the salad. Even though this is just some bargain basement fruit with a couple of pecans thrown in, it looks fancy. It would make a perfect early autumn dessert for when it's still warm out, but everyone already wants to get into the pumpkin spice and apple cider mindset.

The Fruit Cocktail Salad tastes quite nice as well. Between the banana, the apple juice, and the syrup from the fruit cocktail, it is certainly sweet, but the lemon juice and the savory nuts balance that a little, and there is nothing heavy about it. This is one of those gelatin dishes that would not be controversial at a potluck.

If you want to use actual Jell-O flavors, I would recommend lemon, orange, or cherry. If you are into new-fangled Jell-O flavors, peach or apricot would work nicely as well. I have not yet had the good fortune to try the apricot flavor, but if it is anything like what it says on the tin, it should do the trick here. Other than switching up the gelatin flavor, though, I cannot for the life of me think of any further improvements that could be made here. The Fruit Cocktail Salad simply does what it's supposed to do, just as it is.

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