Saturday, April 2, 2022

"Gelatin" in the Wild: Jin Jin Passion Fruit Flavor Jelly

Howdy, Jigglers! I went to my local Asian grocery store recently, so you know what that means: a foodstuff similar to gelatin was to be had!

Now, I was not able to glean from the bag what the coagulating substance in Passion Fruit Flavor Jelly actually was, but I don't believe it was gelatin, as it was being kept at room temperature and the jelly was not liquified.

What I did clearly notice was a plethora of health and safety indications on the packaging, for example:

I was glad to see that this product is fully HACCP compliant. However, I was not so enthused by the following ominous warning:

Guess I've never seen a choking warning directed at the elderly before, but I suppose it makes sense. The prominence of the warning language is certainly offputting, though.

However, the jelly itself was firm, flavorful, and amazingly not weird at all. I quite like it, though I'm sure there are tons of preservatives in it that they should be warning you about. Maybe those warnings are in that other language that I can't read.

I'm usually not big on passionfruit-flavored items, but this has a bright, sweet flavor, almost citrusy but not quite, with a bold firm-set gelatin texture to go with it. I have thus far eaten these with a spoon and by squeezing it out of the cup (taking care to bite off a section and not swallow it whole, of course). And, to be fair, after having eaten it, I can understand both the temptation and the danger of swallowing it whole. These things are definitely big enough to clog up your throat. Regardless, I must say that Passion Fruit Flavor Jelly is the best jelly item I've picked up at the Asian grocer to date. Well done, Asia.

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