Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Joys of Jell-O Recipe #33: Sour Cream Dessert

Howdy, Jigglers! This week in Jell-O-Land, I wanted to make a smooth dessert recipe to try out a new mold I found in a classic pattern, and I landed on Sour Cream Dessert. While the inclusion of sour cream in a dessert might sound a little odd initially, it isn't unheard of. I think some cheesecakes use sour cream, and I know I've had sour cream fruit pies (which were delicious, as I recall).

Now this is a simple little gelatin number to make. I used unflavored gelatin instead of Jell-O and canned mango nectar instead of the water for a creamy tropical mold. Note: you can't get "light cream" in my neck of the woods, so I used heavy whipping cream (it's not a low-calorie dish, I can tell you that much). Maybe you would want to use half and half instead of heavy cream, but what I did certainly worked.

The mood lighting in this photo highlights just how beige this dessert turned out. It perfectly illustrates the nice new mold shape, though! The beigeness is due to a combination of the mango nectar and the artificial vanilla I used. The color, of course, will change depending on what you include as a fruit flavoring.


This is one creamy Jell-O dessert, which shouldn't be surprising considering that it's mostly dairy. All that creaminess and fat did drown out the mango flavor, though, and overall you only taste sweet dairy. Instead of slicing up a mango on top of the gelatin, which would also be great, I decided to make a mango nectar reduction sauce, since I had some of the nectar left over. I simmered a can of mango nectar with a quarter cup of sugar until it was well reduced. This sauce, when heated and poured over this gelatin, is AMAZING. It gels perfectly with the tangy hint of sour cream while being sweet and mangoey enough to taste like a slice of tropical heaven. The hot-cold contrast is also nice. It's a lot like serving flan with caramel sauce--you might not want to eat flan on its own, but with the sauce it's divine.

After filling my new mold, I had some gelatin mix left over, so I put it in an individual mold as well. Also pretty! I love how well it takes on the molds' shapes.

While slighly unconventional, Sour Cream Dessert is endlessly versatile. I can see where it would be delicious with some cherry juice in the mix and then topped with a cherry sauce, and it would be perfect with blueberries or blackberries too. Or gooseberries, anyone? Larger stone fruits like peaches and plums would even work. I might have to try this one again sometime with a different fruit combination and see what happens. Watch this space!

Anyway, thanks General Foods, for a somewhat bland recipe that you can whip up in a flash and use with nearly anything.

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